Live Blue Crab Policy

Important Notice to Our Valued Customers Regarding Live Blue Crab Purchases

At Buddy’s Seafood Market, we strive to provide the freshest and highest quality seafood. However, live blue crabs are particularly fragile and require specific conditions to survive during transport and handling.

Please be aware that despite our best efforts to maintain optimal conditions, there is a possibility that some live blue crabs may not survive the journey home. We recommend handling them with care and checking their condition upon arrival.

Safety Notice: Do not consume crabs that have died before cooking. Eating crabs that have died before cooking can pose health risks, as they may harbor bacteria or toxins that are harmful if ingested.

To minimize the risk of receiving deceased crabs, we strongly urge all customers to pick up their orders as soon as possible, preferably on Thursday or Friday. Our shipments arrive on Thursday, and the longer the crabs are held in storage, the greater the risk of mortality. We cannot guarantee the full quantity of a bushel or half bushel if not picked up by Friday evening, as we typically experience losses each night.

Thank you for understanding and adhering to these guidelines. We appreciate your business and are committed to providing you with the best possible seafood experience.